
BookingDo SaaS – Multi Business Appointment, Service Booking SaaS

BookingDo SaaS - Multi Business Appointment, Service Booking SaaS
bookingdo saas multi business appointment, service booking saas


BookingDo SaaS: Simplifying Appointments and Bookings for Businesses

Businesses rely on appointments and bookings to manage their workflow and customer interactions. However, managing bookings and appointments manually can be time-consuming and confusing. It is also prone to errors and double-bookings, leading to poor customer experiences and lost revenue. That’s where BookingDo SaaS comes in, offering a software as a service platform that simplifies the appointment and booking process for businesses.

BookingDo SaaS is designed to help businesses streamline their scheduling and customer booking processes, allowing them to manage appointments and bookings more efficiently. With BookingDo SaaS, businesses can create customizable booking pages, set availability, and manage appointments and bookings from a central dashboard. Customers can book appointments and services online, 24/7, eliminating the need for a phone or in-person bookings.

BookingDo SaaS is a versatile solution suitable for businesses of all sizes and in different industries, including healthcare, beauty, wellness, personal services, and more. In this article, we’ll explore BookingDo SaaS and how it can benefit your business.

BookingDo SaaS Features

BookingDo SaaS comes with a range of features designed to help businesses simplify their appointment and booking process. Here are some of the main features of BookingDo SaaS:

Create Custom Booking Pages: BookingDo SaaS allows businesses to create custom booking pages that match their brand’s look and feel. You can customize your booking page’s colors, logo, and images to create a professional booking experience for your customers.

Accept Bookings Anywhere and Anytime: With BookingDo SaaS, businesses can accept bookings and appointments 24/7 from anywhere in the world. Customers can book appointments at any time from their mobile device or computer, making it convenient for them and your business.

Accept Online Payments: One of the most significant advantages of BookingDo SaaS is an integrated payment gateway. Businesses can securely accept payments online and streamline the payment process for their customers. This feature is especially helpful for businesses that require payment upfront, such as healthcare or beauty services.

Contact Customers Globally: BookingDo SaaS comes with built-in communication features, allowing businesses to contact their customers from anywhere worldwide. You can send custom notifications, reminders, and feedback requests to your customers, ensuring that they receive excellent customer service.

Transaction Management: Tracking your business’s transactions is critical to ensure that you’re always aware of how much you’re earning. With BookingDo SaaS, you can track all transactions happening on your booking pages, allowing you to evaluate your business’s profitability.

Basic Information Settings: BookingDo SaaS allows businesses to manage their account settings and configure their preferences. This feature enables businesses to personalize their booking pages and make the most of the platform.

Admin Dashboard Features

BookingDo SaaS comes with a powerful admin dashboard that allows businesses to control their accounts and manage their bookings. Here are some of the main admin dashboard features:

Create and Manage Multiple Users: Businesses can create and manage multiple users on their BookingDo SaaS account, allowing them to delegate tasks and manage their bookings effectively.

Create Subscription Plans: With BookingDo SaaS, businesses can create and manage subscription plans for their customers. You can set different pricing tiers and limits for each subscription plan, streamlining your payment process.

Enable or Disable Payment Options: Depending on your business’s needs, you can choose to enable or disable payment options for your customers. This feature is useful for businesses that don’t require upfront payment, such as personal or wellness services.

Show Payment Transaction List: The admin dashboard allows businesses to track and manage all payment transactions happening on their booking pages, ensuring that they are always up to date.

Basic Information Settings: BookingDo SaaS allows businesses to manage their account settings and configure their preferences. This feature enables businesses to personalize their booking pages and make the most of the platform.

Vendor Dashboard Features

BookingDo SaaS comes with a vendor dashboard that empowers service providers to manage their services, customers, and appointments. Here are some of the key vendor dashboard features:

Powerful Vendor Dashboard: The vendor dashboard provides service providers with a powerful tool to manage their services and appointments effectively.

Add Multiple Categories: Service providers can add multiple categories to organize their services and make it easy for their customers to find what they need.

Add Multiple Services: Service providers can add multiple services to their booking pages, complete with pricing and descriptions, making it easy for customers to select and book services.

Working Hours Management: With BookingDo SaaS, service providers can manage their working hours and availability for their services, ensuring that they’re always available when their customers need them.

Easy Subscription Process: Service providers can add subscription plans to their booking pages and manage their customer subscriptions, streamlining their payment process.

Add Blogs Option: The vendor dashboard allows service providers to add blog posts to their booking pages, making it easy to share valuable content with their customers.

Service Bookings List Option: Service providers can manage and track their service bookings from their vendor dashboard, ensuring that they’re always up to date.

Service Bookings Reports Option: BookingDo SaaS allows service providers to generate reports on their service bookings, providing valuable insights into their business’s performance.

Contact List Option: The vendor dashboard allows service providers to manage their contacts and communicate with their customers seamlessly.

Add Multiple Promotional Coupons: Service providers can add promotional coupons to their booking pages, providing discounts and promotions to their customers.

Promotional Coupons: The vendor dashboard allows service providers to manage their promotional coupons and track their performance, ensuring that they’re getting the most out of their promotions.

Show Payment Transaction List: Service providers can access and manage their payment transactions, ensuring that everything is running smoothly.

Basic Information Settings: BookingDo SaaS allows service providers to manage their account settings and preferences, customizing their dashboard according to their needs and preferences.

Benefits of BookingDo SaaS for Your Business

BookingDo SaaS offers many benefits to businesses of all sizes and in different industries. Here are some of the advantages of using BookingDo SaaS for your business:

Simplify the Booking and Appointment Process: BookingDo SaaS simplifies the booking and appointment process for businesses, allowing them to manage their schedules and appointments more efficiently.

Customizable Booking Pages: With BookingDo SaaS, businesses can create custom booking pages that match their brand, delivering a professional customer experience.

24/7 Booking Availability: BookingDo SaaS allows businesses to accept bookings and appointments 24/7, allowing customers to book services at any time, anywhere.

Integrated Payment Gateway: BookingDo SaaS comes with an integrated payment gateway, allowing businesses to accept online payments and streamline their payment process.

Effective Communication: BookingDo SaaS comes with built-in communication features, allowing businesses to communicate with their customers effortlessly.

Transaction Management: With BookingDo SaaS, businesses can track and manage all payment transactions, ensuring that they’re always up to date with their revenue and business performance.


BookingDo SaaS offers a simple and effective solution to manage bookings and appointments for businesses. Its versatile features help businesses streamline their scheduling process, manage customer interactions, and grow their revenue. Whether you’re a healthcare provider, beauty professional, or personal service provider, BookingDo SaaS can help you manage your bookings and provide a professional customer experience. Check out BookingDo SaaS today to see how it can benefit your business.


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