
Postsmrt | Boost Your Productivity with Lifetime Deal

Postsmrt | AppSumo
postsmrt | boost your productivity with lifetime deal

Hey, Super Awesome Sumo-lings!

I’m Joonmin, the founder of Postsmrt, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to introduce our innovative platform to the Lifetime Deal community. I’m eager to hear your thoughts! 😁

Postsmrt was born from my desire to help businesses harness the power of AI to supercharge their LinkedIn efforts. I noticed that many LinkedIn users were stuck in a rut, posting only thought leadership or corporate updates. Those who did use LinkedIn for sales and marketing often relied on personal messages or splurged on costly ads. 😔

Enter Postsmrt—a revolutionary tool designed to simplify how individuals and brands gain followers, leads, booked meetings, and paying customers without the need for tedious manual outreach (learn more at Plus, every purchase includes a $97 sales automation course that you can complete in under an hour. This course teaches you how to optimize your LinkedIn profile for conversions and leverage Postsmrt’s pre-built sales sequences.

Think of it like an email newsletter but with faster growth potential and less effort.

Sales Growth Chart

With just one click, Postsmrt crafts conversion-focused posts and schedules a week’s worth of content in under 10 minutes—allowing you to plan an entire month’s content effortlessly.

This is truly a game-changer for anyone diving into sales automation software 🚀

I hope Postsmrt helps take your business to new heights! If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out via email at [email protected].

Much love 💛,
Founder of Postsmrt

How This Can Be Implemented In Your Business

  1. Optimize Your Profile: Start by using the included sales automation course to refine your LinkedIn profile.
  2. Automated Content: Use Postsmrt’s AI-driven tools to generate engaging posts effortlessly.
  3. Schedule Ahead: Plan out your month’s content with just a few clicks.
  4. Engage Followers: Watch as your follower count grows organically without manual outreach.
  5. Drive Sales: Utilize pre-built sales sequences for converting followers into paying customers.

5 Pros About This Deal:

✅ Effortless Content Creation
✅ Time-Saving Automation
✅ Increased Engagement
✅ Cost-Effective Marketing
✅ Comprehensive Training Included

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