
Inboxy – Ensure Your Emails Hit the Inbox with AI

inboxy ensure your emails hit the inbox with ai

Discover the Journey of Our Company and How We Can Help You

When Was Your Company Founded & Where Is It Located?

Our company embarked on its journey in September 2020, nestled in the innovation hub of California, USA.

What Are Your Past Projects, Failures, or Successes in Your Career?

Our entrepreneurial spirit has led to several successful ventures:

  • Vendisys: Launched in 2002 and still thriving. Visit us at
  • Quicklines: Founded in 2021 and recently acquired by Mailshake. Check it out at
  • Emy: Established in 2020. Explore more at

What Is Your Team Size?

Our dedicated team is compact but mighty:

  • Developers: 2
  • Support: 1

Are You Funded or Bootstrapped?

We are proudly bootstrapped, driving our growth through sheer determination and innovative solutions.

What Third-Party Tools Is Your Product Critically Dependent On?

To ensure seamless functionality, we rely on:

  • ChatGPT-4
  • Google OAuth API
  • Microsoft OAuth API

Where Is Your Customer Data Stored?

Your data’s security is our priority. All customer data is stored securely in the AWS Cloud, US East Region (Virginia).

What Is Your Current Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)?

We are delighted to report a robust MRR of $56,000.

How Many Customers Do You Have Today?

We serve an ever-growing community of 5,000 satisfied customers.

Customer Satisfaction

What’s the Origin of the Idea for Your Product?

The inspiration behind our product stemmed from a common challenge—email deliverability issues while sending high volumes of cold emails (over 30 million emails per month).

What Problem Is Your Product Solving and How?

We specialize in enhancing email deliverability for substantial volumes of cold emails, ensuring your messages reach their intended audience effectively.

What’s the #1 Thing You’re Looking to Gain from the Lifetime Deal Campaign?

Through our partnership with Lifetime Deal, we aim to ignite word-of-mouth promotion and secure essential funding to fuel further growth.

Future Plans with Lifetime Deal Customers, Cash & Learnings

With insights and resources garnered from this campaign:

  1. We plan to upsell users to Emy (
  2. Invest in developing new features on the Inboxy platform to cater to evolving needs.

Any Details About the Deal?

Rest assured—Inboxy is available for use globally!

Implementation Strategy for Businesses

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Leverage our tool to enhance email deliverability for large-scale campaigns.
  2. Integrate third-party tools like ChatGPT-4 and Google OAuth API seamlessly.
  3. Securely manage customer data using AWS Cloud.
  4. Utilize insights from customer interactions and feedback to refine your offerings.
  5. Expand your market reach through effective word-of-mouth strategies initiated by platforms like Lifetime Deal.

Five Pros of This Brand Deal:

Enhanced Email Deliverability
Boost your cold email outreach success rates significantly.

Global Accessibility
Inboxy works flawlessly across all countries.

Scalable Solutions
Tailored features that grow with your business needs.

Secure Data Storage
Peace of mind with robust AWS Cloud storage solutions.

Word-of-Mouth Growth Potential
Leverage organic promotion through satisfied users’ recommendations.

This comprehensive strategy not only aligns with current industry trends but also provides a solid foundation for sustainable growth and customer satisfaction!

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