
Smart PMS – Project Managment System

Smart PMS - Project Managment System
smart pms project managment system


An In-Depth Look at Smart PMS: The Ultimate Project and Task Management System


Smart PMS is a highly efficient project and task management system designed to help clients manage and create projects, tasks, and subscription services through a super admin login.

Live Demo of Smart PMS: Take a firsthand look at the application via the Demo URL provided; the demo includes [email protected] and [email protected] for demonstration purposes.

Key Features of Smart PMS

Smart PMS offers a range of features that make managing projects and teams seamless:

  1. User Interface Dashboard – Dynamic and easy-to-understand
  2. Role & Permissions Management – Simple assignment of roles and permissions
  3. User Management Module – Efficient user management
  4. Client Management Tool – Streamlined client relationship management
  5. Project Team Members Control Mechanism – Full control over project access
  6. Milestone Tracker – Stay on top of project goals
  7. Support System for Enhanced Communication
  8. Contact Manager for Improved Interaction with Clients and Co-workers
  9. Project Notes Administration
  10. Settings (Company/Account/Application) for customization
  11. Email Configuration for optimized communications
  12. Multi-Language Support
  13. Choice of Theme Colors
  14. RTL/LTR Theme Options

These user-friendly features boost organizational productivity and ensure smooth workflow management.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding Smart PMS, contact [email protected].


Smart PMS has seen several updates and enhancements from April 2021 to the present:

  • Version 1.4 – Released on 25th April 2024, introduced multicolor themes with custom color picker and minor theme design enhancements.
  • Version 1.3 – Launched on 27th February 2024, included improvements in settings, role page layouts, and minor bug fixes.
  • Version 1.2 – Introduced on January 3rd, featured a Landing Page, Multi-Language support, and RTL themes.


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