
Craydia: Unleash Creativity with Lifetime Deal Deals!

craydia: unleash creativity with lifetime deal deals!

Hey, Sumolings! 🌟

I’m Leonardo Placanica, Founder @ Craydia, and I’m thrilled to share our story with you!

Having spent the last five years as a Freelance Software Engineer and a year in Recruiting, I’ve been at the heart of many hiring processes. Through these experiences, two major issues stood out:

  1. Companies were frequently hiring unsuitable candidates due to unclear validation pipelines.
  2. Recruiters struggled to efficiently utilize their existing applicant databases for new job opportunities.

These challenges led to significant problems:

  • High turnover rates that sometimes jeopardized company stability.
  • Recruiters having to restart their scouting from scratch despite having vast databases.

And thus, Craydia was born!

Our mission is twofold:

  1. To help companies swiftly create robust Talent Assessment pipelines using semi-generated job position information.
  2. To empower Recruiters to seamlessly sift through their existing database (importing CVs) when scouting for new roles with our AI-driven database selection feature.

AI at Work

Why Choose Craydia?

We invite LTD users to dive into our platform and help us refine it through continuous feedback—pushing towards a rock-solid product maturity. Expect weekly updates based on your insights and a super responsive support team answering within 8 hours! 🚀


What are AI Points?
AI features come with high running costs; hence we can’t offer unlimited access to LTD users but have designed a generous plan where 1 AI Point is deducted per API call involving an AI feature.

Can I integrate my ATS?
Absolutely! Send us a request or comment, and we’ll work on integrating your ATS system such as LinkedIn, Crelate, or PCRecruiter—we’re already making strides in this area.

🖥️ Contact Us:

Leo, Founder @ Craydia

How This Can Be Implemented in Your Business

Implementing Craydia can revolutionize your recruiting process by streamlining candidate assessment and efficiently leveraging your existing talent pool. Here’s how:

  1. Quick Setup: Create thorough Talent Assessment pipelines swiftly using job position info.
  2. Database Utilization: Use our AI-based selection feature to make sense of your existing applicant database effortlessly.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Leverage our responsive support and adaptive updates to tailor the platform perfectly for your needs.
  4. Seamless Integration: Integrate easily with popular ATS systems upon request.

5 PROS About This Deal ✅✅✅✅✅

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: Speed up hiring processes with automated talent assessments.
  2. Cost Savings: Reduce turnover-related expenses by ensuring better candidate fits.
  3. Data Utilization: Maximize the potential of your existing applicant database without starting from scratch every time.
  4. Responsive Support: Get timely assistance within 8 hours for any queries or issues.
  5. Custom Integration: Tailor the platform with integrations specific to your ATS requirements.

Ready to transform your recruitment game? Let’s get started with Craydia today!

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