
Perfex CRM Addon For Teleman Telemarketing Application

Perfex CRM Addon For Teleman Telemarketing Application
perfex crm addon for teleman telemarketing application


About The Add-on

Perfex CRM and Teleman’s Telemarketing & VoIP Service SaaS Application can be seamlessly integrated with this addon. This integration allows for the import of contacts from Perfex CRM, powering the creation of compelling telemarketing campaigns with the robust features of Teleman’s service application.

Key Features of the Add-on

The Teleman – Telemarketing & VoIP Service Application includes SaaS-oriented design, IVR dialer, real-time calling, and Twilio-based voice calling capabilities. Additionally, it supports text-to-voice messaging and sending pre-recorded audio files. With the Perfex CRM integration, new contacts can easily be added to groups to kickstart flourishing campaigns.

Installation Guide

The installation procedure is divided into the following steps:

Step 1: Access the ‘application’ folder in your Perfex CRM application.
(See Illustration)

Step 2: Locate the ‘application’ folder once more.
(Refer Here)

Step 3: Extract the downloaded file from Codecanyon, which contains two PHP files, ‘Teleman.php’ & ‘Teleman_token.php. Upload these files into the controller’s folder, and you’re all set! Return to the Perfex CRM addon panel at Teleman.
(View Image)

Using The Add-on

After installation, log in as an administrator and navigate to the ‘Addons’ menu within Perfex. Fill in the provided admin email address of Perfex CRM and its installed URL. Once the token is successfully generated, click on ’Fetch Contacts From Perfex CRM’ to display all contacts from your database. Then press ’Store contacts’ to store contacts within Telefon’s framework.
(See Screenshot)

Take a Demo Test Drive

Explore the Perfex CRM demo here: Demo Link

Admin Login Credentials:

Username : [email protected]
Password : 12345678

Discover the Teleman VoIP service tool here: Visit it here.

Access Teleman Documentation for all the standard details: Documentation Review Here!


Login details:

– Admin:
[email protected].

– Customer:
Username:[email protected](Customer)

Utilize both systems and experience the enhanced business promoting capabilities through organized telemarketing campaigns using Perfex CRM and Teleman’s VoIP Service SaaS Application in unison.


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