
Transform lengthy URLs into easy shortcuts for you and your crew

Transform long URLs into simple shortcuts for you and your team

Oslash Deal:


In today’s fast-paced world, time is a valuable asset, and everyone is constantly seeking ways to maximize productivity. If you’re someone who’s always on the lookout for ways to save time and be more productive, you’ll want to check out the Oslash browser extension. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what Oslash is, how it works, and the benefits it can offer you and your team.

What is Oslash?

Oslash is a browser extension that helps you create shortcuts for links to web pages that you frequently visit. It’s not a link shortener, but rather a way to make finding these links easier and faster. You can name these shortcuts and assign them to a keyword or phrase, making it super easy to access these web pages.

How does Oslash work?

To get started with Oslash, you first need to install the browser extension, which is available for all major browsers. Once you have it installed, you can start creating shortcuts for your frequently visited web pages. For example, if you’re constantly visiting a Google Sheet with a long and complicated URL, you can create a shortcut for it and assign it a keyword like “SheetVideo”. Then, all you need to do is type “SheetVideo” in your browser’s address bar, and Oslash will take you directly to that Google Sheet. You can also create shortcuts for web pages that you frequently share with your team or colleagues. For example, if you’re on a Slack page and want to share a link with someone, you can create a shortcut for that link and give it a keyword like “SA”. Then, whenever you or your team members need to access that link, all they need to do is type “SA” in their browser’s address bar, and they’ll be taken directly to that link.

Benefits of Oslash

One of the biggest benefits of Oslash is that it can save you and your team a lot of time. Instead of having to remember long and complicated URLs or going through the process of bookmarking frequently visited web pages, you can simply create a shortcut with Oslash and access those web pages with just a few keystrokes. This can help you be more productive and efficient in your work. Another benefit of Oslash is that it’s easy to use and works with all major browsers. You don’t need to be a tech expert to start using it, and it’s easy to create and manage shortcuts. Plus, you can choose to keep your shortcuts private or share them with your team members, making it a versatile tool for individual and team use.


If you’re looking for a way to boost your productivity and save time, Oslash is definitely worth checking out. With its ability to create shortcuts for frequently visited web pages, it can help you and your team be more efficient and productive in your work. Plus, with its easy-to-use interface and compatibility with all major browsers, it’s a tool that anyone can start using right away. So, give it a try and see how it can benefit you and your team!

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  1. Gotta scoop this one up for sure πŸ˜…πŸ˜Šβœ¨. Jorge, may I ask what tool you’re using for your virtual backgrounds? The office scene is super clean, very nice πŸ‘πŸΌ

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