
Get Ready, Something Exciting is on the Horizon!

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get ready, something exciting is on the horizon!

Unlock 24/7 customer support with Fini AI’s generative chatbot powered by your knowledge base and customer data.

Take advantage of Fini AI to educate your interactive chatbot to tackle any question simply by inputting your knowledge base links—no programming skills needed!

Brand Alignment:

You can customize your chatbot to communicate in a manner consistent with your brand’s persona, be it casual and amicable or strictly professional.

Language Capabilities:

This incredible tool enables you to deliver responses in multiple languages, such as Chinese, Spanish, and Greek, facilitating global customer engagement.

Educate AI swiftly using knowledge base links to answer customer queries efficiently.

Fini AI comes with a robust API feature enabling easy deployment of your chatbot across various platforms without coding.

Platform Integration:

Connect seamlessly to renowned communication platforms like Slack, Discord, Zendesk, Chrome, and even your email system.

Your chatbot can then cater to customer inquiries round the clock, ensuring prompt service exactly when they need it.


Distribute your Fini AI chatbot on well-known apps like Hubspot, Zendesk, Slack and Discord without requiring any coding skills.

AI Learning:

In contrast with other chatbot builders, Fini AI uses multiple large language models. This allows it to generate precise comprehensive responses. As the AI resolves customers’ issues over time, it learns from its past interactions thereby enhancing its future performance.

If the bot struggles to find the right answer,a human agent is signaledto intervene and solve the issue.

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